Hi, I'm Max Frankel!

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I’m an aspiring physicist from Brooklyn, NY and currently a PhD student at CU Boulder.

I am interested in everything Atomic/Molecular/Optical physics, particularly spectroscopy, ultracold atoms, microscopy, and spatial light modulators.

Overview of my academic background

I graduated in 2022 with a BS in physics and a specialization in optics from Stony Brook University. In my last two years at Stony Brook, I worked in the Ultracold Quantum Systems Group under Professor Dominik Schneble.

For the 2022-2023 academic year, I worked in Professor Ilaria Testa’s Optical BioImaging group in Stockholm, Sweden, on a Fulbright research scholarship.

After my year in Sweden, I began my PhD at CU Boulder in Jun Ye’s group at JILA. I’m working on Sr2, one of the three Strontium atomic clock projects in Ye’s group.
